Via Sotto Bisio, 3A • Balerna
+41 (0)916821235 j.buraschi@bioadventures.eu


Showing all 6 results

  • Barley
    CHF 6.00
    This is the extreme personality Beer that we decided to produce to demonstrate the potentiality of our techniques. It is a creation that requires a little of preparation before you…
  • Sekhmet
    CHF 10.00
    IGA brut-style hybrid beer. To a clear saison-style base we have added 30% grape must composed as follows: 19% cabernet – 44% gamaret – 37% merlot. Organic grapes sourced entirely…
  • USA Oak
    CHF 8.00
    10% ABV, 2% Acidity. Hazy dark ruby-amber beer with low head retention; fairly woody and very fruity nose of prunes and cherries. Low natural carbonation (depends on aging). Malt backbone…
  • Wild Shot Barolo
    CHF 8.00
    10% ABV and 2% acidity. A slightly hazy beer with a copper color. It features a very light foam due to natural carbonation depending on aging. Notes of wood, raspberry,…
  • Wild shot Passito
    CHF 8.00
    Our Wild Shot is every year different depending on the barriques we choose. This one has been aged in an oak barrique of Passito di Moscato. The color is deep…